Do a crash course, register for a workshop. Do your dream right & gain Insight to systematically designed Evidence-based, profound knowledge right in your state. You don’t need to travel to India anymore. This will uplift your knowledge along with your Teacher Training Certificate for your clients.
Find A Low – Cost , Preventive, Holistic Health Care Measure Suited for Any Type Of Organization
The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that U.S. employers lose $70 billion a year due to absenteeism, lost productivity and disability caused by mental distress. Save Your Penny on your human resource by investing with us.
You’ll Find Separate Benefits for your Business as well as Separate Advantages Prevailing for your Employees.
You’ll Not only Find benefits with The Efficiency from your Employees But Benefits in Your Business . Adding On to your Healthcare Plan, Reduce staff Turnover, Gaining More Respect for Senior Management Which has its Own Advantages of perks to it.
The series of corporate yoga programs is tailor-made for Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians.
Gain an optimal level of Positive Health Unleashing in front of you & witness the different benefits of Yoga, not Just Yoga Burns but The Core Yoga of Retreating to Yourself.
Yourself in Terms of Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional & Spiritual. Below are phases of the workshop:
VY Positive Active
VY Positive Cardio
VY Positive Dynamic
VY Positive Hatha
Fighting an Everyday Problem?
For Example Sciatica, Diabetes, Migraines, Depression & Anxiety.
Or a problem most people face today?
Cancer, Asthma, CardioVascular, Epilepsy.
Now Cure Yourself Medication Free.
Our Yoga Therapy – (VY[T]™) programs, derived from classical Yoga texts, promote simple, safe, doable practices that include Asanas, Pranayama, Kriyas, Meditation, Science of Emotion Culture, Svadhyaya, and Special Sleep Technique. Essentially, all of the VY[T]™ programs are designed to treat common ailments and non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
Over the years, S-VYASA has developed and standardized 7 Advance Techniques, and these techniques now comprise Vivekananda Yoga Advanced.
VY [A] MEMT™ (Master the Emotions Technique)
Mastery Of Emotions, Turning our Energy Towards the Creation of Well Being of all Organs ad Systems in our Body
VY [A] ANAMS™ (Ananda Amrita Siochana)
Inviting Happiness into our Life and Harness the power of Bliss to Spread in Fragrance intro every part of our Body, Bringing tremendous healing power into us
VY [A] MIRT™ (Mind Imagery Technique)
Works at the mind level and harnesses the power of imagination to strengthen our systems.
VY [A] MSRT™ (Mind Sound Resonance Technique)
Resonance changes the mind. Sound is in the “present” Mind is in the “past” or the “future” MSRT is an advanced technique that can take you into a deeply rested state of mind-body complex through experiencing the internal sound resonance
VY [A] PET™ (Pranic Energisation Technique)
Prana is the Sanskrit word for “Life Force”. Prana is the total of all energy that is manifested in the universe. This life energy, Prana, has been invoked and described in the Vedas.
Works at Pranamaya Kosha level and brings balance at this level, and it uses the Pranic Energy to revitalize all organs and systems in our body.
VY [A] CM™ (Cyclic Meditation)
In our day-to-day life, we relax deeply and yet often unconsciously by stretching and yawning. In Cyclic Meditation, we stretch consciously and systematically, and then we relax using standard postures like Padahastasana, Ardha Cakrasana and Ardhakati Cakrasana. We also use sitting Asanas like Sasankasana and Ustrasana. These postures provide stimulation at the muscular level.
VY [A] VISAK™ (Vijnana Sadhana Kausalya)
Salutations to that Infinite Intelligence beyond space and time which is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS and PEACE EMBODIED, and which can be ascertained (measured) only by Self-Realization (Experience).
Uses the discriminative and analytical faculties to power up our entire psyche.
smet program
Find A More Efficient and Effective Way to Produce More Productivity through a Fresh and Rejuvenating Process of Tapping within your Light.
Reduces stress and therefore reduces the cost of stress-related 26% illnesses and 19 absenteeism, Saving $264 per employee , per year for on site employee wellness programs
Improves the employees decision-making skills and ability to multi-task
Improves employee alertness and productivity and ability to react more calmly in demanding situations, no need for Red Bull!
Encourages balanced energy and vitality throughout the work shift
80% of American work in a job that require little or no physical activity